Commercial Drug and Alcohol Testing
Kent & South East. Call 07769977179.
Why should every company have an active drug and alcohol programme in place?
The benefits are a big reflection of how you run your business. An employee having an accident and then found to have either drugs or alcohol in their system could be very damaging to you and your company.
The easiest and least intrusive methods of drug testing are saliva and sweat.
A sample is taken using a simple swap moved around the mouth, cheeks, and under the tongue. This usually takes about 30 seconds to soak up the required amount of saliva needed for testing in a Dreager 5000 analytical unit.
The sample is then placed in the analysis unit and the machine will give you an indication if drugs are present, or not.
The process takes approximately eight and a half minutes.
The sample is taken from the fingertips. The person being tested presses every finger and both thumbs in turn on a pad and holds them there for five seconds per digit.
The sample is then put in the Intelligent Fingerprint analyser, again you will have your results in about 8 minutes.
If you have a number of subjects to test them you can batch test up to six samples. The whole process for the six samples takes approximately fifteen minutes.